html files directly into android application so whenever android apps runs it. YMMV, in my experience, Drive does a better job handling PDFs as actual files. The PDF file will be downloaded as BLOB using XmlHttpRequest AJAX call and. Locking notes 1.Tap the More options button on the main screen of Samsung Notes, select Settings, then select Lock notes to create a password. Creating notes Tap + icon at the bottom of the main screen of Samsung Notes to create notes. However, some of the files it has generated for me have had issues and couldn't be opened, though the online links created at the same time worked fine. Samsung Notes is a hub for all your hand-written notes, sketches, drawings. It's clear that Adobe tries to push users into sharing PDFs via links over services it can charge for rather than the files directly (there's no option to just save/export the PDF as a file to a specific location, for example). One word of warning: I have run into issues with non-link, standalone PDF files generated by Adobe Scan. Options include shooting off a link to the file stored on Adobe's Document Cloud, sending the file via Email, or you can pass the file to another app via an intent with "Share a copy." If you need to get them off of your device (which is probably the whole point of generating a PDF), you can share the files via that aptly-named "share" button. After a short bit of processing, the files listed here also include OCR text. Note there is an app called google pdf viewer and a a function within drive called drive pdf viewer, wich are different. From here you can share existing documents, open them in Acrobat, and fill them out/sign them via the Adobe Acrobat app.